I built myself a new server last weekend, as the old one (a Dell 620 that was shipped in 2001!
I wanted to post this because I think it’s cool and showcases the very tip of Windows Powershell.
InfoQ just blogged on a couple of .NET Migrations third-party libraries, which is something I’ve often wished the .
I am on a project where we are delivering a web-based mapping application to the client.
I ran into an odd problem after I installed SP1 (actually a few odd problems) with a site using the ArcGIS Server javascript API.
Previous posts in the series: facility “logging.facility”,LoggingFacility: loggingApi=LoggerImplementation.Console component “lame.http”, LameHttpServer: prefix=“http://*:8089/” path=“lame.
Previous posts in the series: So, in keeping with my shameless plagirizing of Alex’s code, here is the abstract class for our new calculators:
Here is our Order and OrderItem classes: Let’s wire up the Binsor:
Previous posts in the series: So, let’s get to the code.